Welcome to heart-powered musings

My take on all things mindful, intentional+intuitive living.

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Katerina Gray Katerina Gray

Regaining AGENCY in life

AGENCY is the capacity to act independently and exercise our free will. It is the doing—the aligned action. AGENCY takes you from a hypothetical "I am a sovereign being" to acting as a fully conscious (awake and aware to the world within and around) being. 

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Katerina Gray Katerina Gray

Here we go...another pivot!

At this point, I had to ask myself...was I asking the wrong people? Did I outgrow my audience...not in an "I am better than you" way, but did I step more fully into myself and my authenticity, and it's just not something that resonates with them? 

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Katerina Gray Katerina Gray

A Mother's Struggle

Is it selfish not to want to parent and want to write? Am I a bad mother when I don't want to play with my kids but want to play with the projects dripping down through my conscious channel? Is it wrong to want to escape your duties and retreat into your inner world?

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Katerina Gray Katerina Gray

Is conviction dangerous?

Is conviction the secret sauce or is it dangerous? The other day, I participated in a group experience where the speaker spoke with more conviction than I had ever witnessed. Her confidence and presence were commanding in many ways and the way she spoke was truly magnetic.

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Katerina Gray Katerina Gray

Soul Mission?

Recently, I heard someone say that we don't have soul missions, we come here just to play. That this is not an Earth school but a playground. I asked Spirit for guidance around this because so many of us, including myself, as long as we remember (early childhood), have had a remembrance that we are here to do something.

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Katerina Gray Katerina Gray

New Year, New Energy

I don't know about you, but I am feeling called to clear my house to celebrate 2024. The energy of this 8-year keeps showing up as an infinity sign; figure eight is running energy nonstop. For our personal energy to remain free and clear, we need to develop some personal energy hygiene practices AND manage the energy of our surroundings.

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Katerina Gray Katerina Gray

Heart-Powered Guidance

So you have been thinking about getting started with tarot cards, or maybe you have a deck or two sitting in a cabinet collecting dust…read this! Find a deck you resonate with. Don't just focus on what everyone else is doing and the deck that works for them. The cards are a link.

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Katerina Gray Katerina Gray

Tarot 101

So you have been thinking about getting started with tarot cards, or maybe you have a deck or two sitting in a cabinet collecting dust…read this! Find a deck you resonate with. Don't just focus on what everyone else is doing and the deck that works for them. The cards are a link.

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Katerina Gray Katerina Gray

What are you afraid of?

What are you afraid of? You might say nothing. If you did, I invite you to reflect on what is currently bothering you. What negative thoughts flood your consciousness? What triggers you? Chances are fear is at the bottom of it. I will give you some examples of how we can peel the layers to get to the bottom of it.

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Katerina Gray Katerina Gray

How to stand in your power?

“Stand in your power” phrase seems to be everywhere lately. Have you been hearing/seeing it all over the place? I have. It led me to try to figure out exactly what it means and how to do it. Using both my intuitive side and analytical mind, I mapped out an action plan for myself and you. Here we go.

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Katerina Gray Katerina Gray

Rise - Your Action Plan

We are being called to rise.

Do you feel like you are being called to do something?

Do you feel this inexplicable urge in you to do something very important and urgent?

Is your soul stirring and calling you to act?

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Katerina Gray Katerina Gray


If motivation prevents you from doing activities that align with your values and help improve the overall quality of your life, this is the post for you.

Let me start by asking you this simple questions: “What's more desirable to you: an avoidance-driven or a values-driven life?” If you picked avoidance, then I can’t really help you. Stop reading now. If you picked values, let’s dig a little deeper.

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Katerina Gray Katerina Gray

Confidence Hacks

Raise your hand if you catch yourself thinking or saying, “I just need a little more confidence.”

If you wait for confidence to show up before doing something, you may be waiting forever. Yes, reading an inspiring book or going to a motivational seminar can give you a confidence boost, but these feelings don’t last. So how do we build lasting and growing confidence? Let’s look at what prevents us from having the confidence we desire. I invite you to identify these blocks in yourself as you read.

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Katerina Gray Katerina Gray

Move your body - Get unstuck

What’s your workout routine like these days? Uninspired? If you know me in real life, you know that I am a workout app junkie. After years of gyms and studios, I have switched to working out from my house. I love it because it saves me time and gives amazing flexibility. I have tried it all, no really…I have! And I am here to share my favorite at home worktouts.

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Katerina Gray Katerina Gray

What can mindfulness do for me?

I can give you hundreds of different definitions of what mindfulness is. But the truth is, it will mean something entirely different to you than to me or any expert out there. What I can do is share what mindfulness has done for me and can for you.

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Katerina Gray Katerina Gray

Triggers and Resistances

When I was starting my mindfulness transformation, I was asked to set my intention for the journey. I set the intention of being a better mom, a more mindful, and present one.

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Katerina Gray Katerina Gray

The Power of Forgiveness

“Forgiveness doesn’t let the other off the hook, doesn’t grant absolution to the perpetrator. It grants freedom to ourselves so we can flourish.” - Habib Sadeghi

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