weaving Timelines + realities

This meditation experience was created for New Moon in Aquarius, but it can be used at any time. Before you begin, I invite you to reflect on the following questions:

  1. What do you desire to weave into YOUR reality?

  2. What is asking to be weaved into all timelines - past, present, future - for ALL of Humanity?

What came through for me was...

"I weave the timeline of joy, connection, and reciprocity. I weave ease, flow, togetherness. I weave love, passion, truth. I weave grace, compassion, fearless Hearts. I weave beauty. I weave pleasure. I weave transcendence. I weave peace. I weave with the waters of Life and powers unknown. I weave creation. I weave Life."

Don't overthink. Don't try to make it poetic or force it. Simply allow your Heart to speak YOUR desires and the desires that want to come THROUGH YOU for the greatest good of all.

You will be invited to visualize timelines and time collapsing. If you are not good at visualization, please do not let this get in the middle of this experience. IMAGINE it. Move your hands. Imagine it is happening right in front of you. Because it is!