Origins of Heart-Powered Living

On March 13, 2020, I was woken up in the middle of the night by a voice. I picked up my phone and started typing. This voice, which later introduced itself as The Energy of Love, gave me my Soul mission brief. It said times were changing, and my voice would be needed.

It introduced the concept of Heart-Powered Living and insisted I use the name for the business I was about to start. It took me several years to perfect this methodology and put myself (and many courageous clients) through it as test subjects. We are the proof of concept and that magic is real!


The five pillars of Heart-Powered Living are Intentional, Mindful, Intuitive, Creative, and Conscious. You can see them displayed in the wheel diagram - The Wheel of Heart-Powered Life. You will also see at the center the force that drives the wheel of your life - Love. This piece is very important, and you do not have to be spiritual to connect to it. It is the framework use in my 1-on-1 coaching, group workshops, with corporate clients, and all other work. You can explore these principles broken down below.


Reconnecting with the truth of who you are and who you want to be is the beginning of our journey together and will serve as your True North. If your Heart were your compass, your values would be your constant guiding force. They are a reflection of your Heart's true desires and serve as the foundation for self-awareness and self-mastery. You are deeply connected to your essence. You know who you are. You know what you want. You know what you like. You move through life with intention dictated by the Heart. Your Heart's prayer and intention are one of the same. You are guided by the Heart in every choice. You live with deep self-awareness.


This part of the journey is all about clearing the mind, unhooking from ego's junk that doesn't serve, and expanding consciousness. We will use grounding practices, somatic work, ACT (Acceptance +Commitment Therapy), meditation, gratitude practice, judgment detox, self-compassion, forgiveness techniques, and more to calm the monkey brain and develop a deeper connection to Self. You learn to be the calm island in the middle of the storm for yourself and others. Your mind will learn how to acquiesce to the Heart. You will learn tools and techniques to free yourself from the limiting beliefs, programs, and narratives that controlled you. You live in the present moment. You are free.


Humans were created with a 6th sense, we just forgot how to use it. As the mind eases its control over you, your Heart's whispers will get louder. We all have a unique language used by our intuition. We will work together to identify yours and build a strong foundation. Reconnecting with your internal wisdom and learning to use the amazing built-in tool of discernment is one of the most powerful tools I can teach you. Universal guidance becomes your default guiding inner voice. You feel one with Spirit (Source, Universe, God, Divine, insert your word). You walk through this life as a ceremony, a beautiful unfolding of life guided by Spirit, powered by the Heart. Your Soul's voice is speaking in your mind and speaking through your throat chakra. You are your Soul embodied.


No, this is not all about arts and crafts, though I will be encouraging you to paint or creative journal. Creativity allows your authentic voice to come through. It releases beauty and new forms of expression into this world. We are all born creative and we are all born TO CREATE. Creative practice can act as therapy, as a tool for reinvention and empowerment of Self, and creativity will be weaved into your whole journey. This section also focuses on becoming a powerful creator of your reality. You will learn to clear your blocks and create the life you desire. Your creative center is set on fire! You create beauty freely. You vision and manifest your future with ease for you remember you are the co-creator of your reality. You watch the Universe rearrange the blocks of your reality as you, together with your Soul, design master plans for your life. You watch your dreams become a reality faster and with more ease. You are the creator.


You become awake and aware to the energy within and without. You are fully aware of energy as the building fibers of this Universe. You are a Master of Energy. You manage energy within and around. You manage energy for well-being. You see the world around you and within as an ecosystem that brings health and vitality to your body. You are health. You are vitality. We focus on examining what is not working in the mind, body, and soul connection and what steps need to be taken to achieve the optimal levels. Why? Because when you have pain or discomfort, that is your body signaling an energy imbalance. We will explore mindful eating, an intentional clean lifestyle, the energetics of interiors and space, daily movement, relationships, information consumption, take inventory of your time and implement self-care rituals.

Powered by LOVE.

You are an open channel for Divine Will, Love, Truth, and Power. You are a channel for Light. You are powered by the Divine. You are a vessel of Heart-consciousness. My hope is in the final stages of our work together, your voice, expression, passion, and light begin to shine bright and expand outside of your physical body for the world to experience. And that you have all the tools to be your own teacher, healer, and coach.

Joy may not be what you came to me for, but it will be what you will find at the heart of this work. All you have to do is to say "YES".

Heart-Powered Living Principles