Daily Emails, Weekly Private Podcasts, Three Live Gatherings

Join me on a group journey of self-love and healing...

🌺 Bringing all aspects of your life into balance.

🌺  Returning your Garden of Eden within to full bloom!

🌺 Stepping into a commitment to self and your perfect unfolding.

🌺 Taking agency over lost, neglected, and forgotten pieces of your inner world.

🌺 While feeling supported through guidance and accountability on the journey of self-discovery.

How would your life change if you spent 90 days in service to all aspects of your Self?

No stone unturned!

Moving through repressed emotions, neglect of the physical body, your vices, resentments, control, shame, self-abandonment and into deep self-acceptance, unwavering trust, commitment to well-being (emotional, physical, energetic) and expansion, a deeper connection to the Divine.

Bringing all inner CHAOS to LIGHT.

Tending to your inner Garden of Eden and watching the outside world respond!


Every summer I tend to lose myself. I get busy with travel and kids’ activities. Even when I slow down the rhythm of my inner world is off. Everything that was off before the summer started is magnified in its "severity." I begin to neglect myself, and the first things to go are often my spiritual practice, my nutrition, my self-care, and the intentional living element. 

Do you experience this, too?

But it doesn't have to be this way! What if we could flip the script and create an intentional summer where instead of:

🦋 Foregoing ourselves, we set aside 20 minutes to go within;

🦋 Making sure everyone else is having the best summer, we committed to thriving ourselves;

🦋 Falling off the wagon in all aspects that matter and later kicking ourselves, we chose to have an intentional summer;

🦋 Waiting for September (or January) for the month when we begin, we brought our inner gardens to full bloom this summer?

Join me for 90-days of tending to your Garden of Eden!

What you will receive

✨ x3 60-minute live calls - LIVE ON ZOOM - June 26th, July 31st, August 28th  @11amEST/ 10amCST/ 8amPST/ 4pmUK/ 7pmDubai (recording provided if you cannot attend)

✨ Daily Emails - 90 days of inner inquiry prompts, teachings, intuitive guidance, tips + helpful resources. This journey takes you through all layers of self, bringing balance and harmony to your inner world so it can come into full bloom. 

✨ Weekly Private Podcast Episodes - Every Monday, you will receive a new episode pertinent to the week's teachings. You will hear from directly from Kat and many inspiring mentors, teachers, and guides. 

✨ Bonus Activations and Meditations - Get ready to be surprised with beautifully crafted audio recordings especially designed for this journey. 

Energy Exchange: $144

About your guide

Hi, I am Kat. I am an energy worker, channeler, soul alignment + sacred business coach, and “living from the Heart” guide. Above all these labels, I am a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, making Spiritual concepts practical, accessible, and applicable to our modern lives.

I guide spiritually curious women to establish a strong connection with their Souls and reclaim a life of joy, fulfillment, service, connection, and magic.

I work with women on their spiritual journey unfolding, healing relationships with their partners (no matter their consciousness level), and building Soul mission-based business. 

I help them shift from stuckness, mindless autopilot, disillusion, resentment, and victimhood into living from the Heart so they can thrive as magical embodiments of their Souls in the physical. As a result, they experience clarity, empowerment, inner peace, fulfilling relationships, and abundance powered by the intelligence of their Soul.

Join me! I can’t wait to meet you!